Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 27, Part II

I realize and appreciate and am grateful for how much better I have it that a large chunk of the world.   Just having a series of grey difficult days and when I try to look forward, to look into the distant horizon, all I can see is grey.  

Sounding off in this forum helped.   As did talking to a colleague, who is also having a sucky week.  (What's up with all the douche bag men lately?)   My colleague, whose mother tried to cheer her up with an e-harmony subscription, explaining that there are "doctors, lawyers, and Indian chiefs" on e-harmony.  Indian chiefs--what the fuck?  The explanation is that Indian chiefs own casinos.     When her mother subsequently told her to look up a prospective gentleman on Facebook, my colleague asked if he was an Indian chief.   When her mother said no, my colleague explained that she is only dating Indian chiefs.  This made me laugh, out loud and deeply, for the first time today.  

Then, my brother called me.  My brother is one of the remaining non-douche bag men to frequent this great spinning planet of ours, and I believe that he is truly good.  But the beginning of his phone call made me want to put down the phone and scream.  As does any conversation that starts out with, "if I die."  Especially this weekend.    But after explaining that he wanted to talk to me about his life insurance policy and reassuring me that everything was okay, it was a nice conversation.  Invariably, talking to my brother cheers me up.

Huffington Post also provided some cosmic reassurance and comic relief.  First, I feel reassured and relieved to learn that it is not a foregone conclusion that the world will end on May 21, 2011.   Obviously, there are no guarantees to how much time any of us have; nevertheless, it is reassuring to know that May 21, 2011 does not mark the date-certain for world destruction and end times.   Second, Jon Stewart explaining why Newt Gingrich is not cool, no matter how many presidential campaigns he launches from Twitter also provided comic relief.   Isn't the name Newt pretty much determinative of one's coolness quotient?   

Purged of hopelessness, I depart my own pity party and resolve to find reasons to smile and laugh today.  Picking up my own personal sunshine in about an hour is a great first step.    

Some, maybe I still believe in redemption and that "hopey-changy" thing.    At least, I want to believe. 

21 One Reasons that May 21, 2011 is not the end of the world:

Jon Stewart on Captain Beige

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