Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 13: Should I stay (in) or go (out)? Apologies to the Clash

When a women reaches a certain age, the decision whether to stay in or go out on a Saturday night becomes fraught with difficulty.  Especially when the Saturday night is rainy and chilly, your new sheets are getting warm and toasty in the dryer, and you are in the middle of a great book (Water for Elephants).   If you've been reading for awhile, you have no doubt surmised that I am a nerd who has chosen a book over vodka and singing karaoke on more than one occasion.

But this is my 40th year and I had my hair coloured and finished (blow dried and styled) today--step 2 on the path to finding out if blondes really do have more fun.  Thus, I am having a good hair day and generally try to avoid going to bed with a book on a professionally-finished good hair.  (A special thanks to Marie and to Tiffany).  Waste not, want not or something like that.  Not to mention that I am feeling friendly and philosophical after a day chock-full interesting, magical, thought-provoking happenings, including random interactions with a daughter and her 88-year old mother at the salon thanks to a serendipitous screw-up with my appointment time.  And I saw a movie that I have been meaning to see for years that altered me in some way.   (Wings of Desire, and it deserves it's own topic on another day).

Well, folks what will it be?  The lady or the Tiger (go Tigers!)?

And the decision is...drum roll please: Out.  To my neighborhood dive bar where the drinks are cheap and strong and I can walk home if necessary.  Said bar has karaoke, and I am regular who has not been in awhile.  But I've always called it "the Duck" for short, long before I ever met the short-lived the Duck formerly in my life.   And I normally would have said that "I am off like a dirty shirt" as  Duckie "Jon Cryer" Dale said in "Pretty in Pink."  I submit that everything in daily contemporary life has a tie to the 1980s and most likely a John Hughes' film, sort of like six degrees of Kevin Bacon (who was in several iconic 80s movies, including two by the Guru--Planes, Trains, and Automobiles and She's Having a baby, not to mention Diner and Footloose, which co-starred Sarah Jessica Parker).  

So, fuck the other Duck, I am off like a dirty shirt to get ready to go the only Duck that remains in my life.   Cheers....

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